COVID-19 Information

As a club we are fully committed to providing a safe environment for members of our club (volunteers, players, families, spectators) and the wider community and are committed to providing quality practices in line with guidance available from Sport Australia, Cricket Australia, Cricket Victoria, our local council, the Victorian State Government / Department of Health & Human Services and other relevant authorities applicable to our club.

We acknowledge that Cricket in a pandemic is a privilege, not a right. We all need to ensure we are all doing the right thing to ensure the safety of players, volunteers, officials and the local community.

For any further information please contact John Ashton on 0438 123 574.

Please see below links to our club COVID-19 plan and other relevant information:

Le Page Park Cricket Club - Community Cricket COVID-19 Plan, Season 2021/22

Cricket Victoria | COVID-19 Return to Train & Play - Sweat and/or Saliva on the Ball Playing Conditions

Cricket Victoria | COVID-19 FAQs

Cricket Victoria | Roadmap for the Return of Community Cricket

Cricket Victoria | Current “STEP 3” Groups